


TOPick 整合出一系列英文縮寫,先看看朋友聊天常見的縮寫吧!

縮寫 全文
ASAP as soon as possible
b/c; coz; cos because
b4 before
BFF best friends forever
BTW by the way
gf; bf girlfriend; boyfriend
GM; GN good morning; good night
IDK I don’t know
jk just kidding
LOL laugh out loud
LMAO laugh my ass off
nvm never mind
OMG oh my god
PM private message
ppl people
ROFL rolling on the floor laughing
TGIF thanks god it’s friday
tmr tomorrow
thx; TY thanks; thank you
TTYL talk to you later
YW you’re welcome
XOXO hugs and kisses


1. FYI-for your information(供您參考)

2. info.-information(訊息)

3. attn. -attention(注意、敬請知悉)

4. P.S. -postscript(附錄、附筆)

5. YTD-year to date(年初到現在)

文章來源:TOPick : http://topick.hket.com/